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Złota myśl Racjonalisty:
Nie wierzę w Boga, ale nie czynię religii z niewiary w Niego. Logicznie jest możliwe, że jakieś odkrycie kiedyś każe mi zmienić zdanie. Ale nie liczę na to.
Informacje o czytelniku

 Użytkownik: shalon4599


maseczki chirurgiczne A medical mask, also called an oral or facial mask, is meant to be worn by medical professionals in health care settings. It's designed to reduce inhalation of bacteria and droplets from the atmosphere by capturing airborne bacteria which are shed in the mouth and nostrils of the wearer and capturing them in a protective covering. There are lots of unique types of health masks available and are used by many different medical professionals. Some of the common uses for medical masks include providing protection to the respiratory system and eyes from infectious disease and minimizing exposure to contaminated equipment. Other applications include protecting the respiratory system from chemical pollutants and irritants, reducing exposure to harmful agents, preventing damage to the eyes, skin, and nasal cavities and helping to protect the skin from burns and abrasions. The many diverse materials used to make medical masks range from latex to silicon. However

Brak awatara Płeć: Mężczyzna
 Wiek: 20 lat
 Liczba punktów: 0
 Miejscowość: Włoszczowa
 Zarejestrowany: 2020-09-15


Oceniony: 0 razy
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