Dodaj swój komentarz… Messiah's Demon - Bernard Katz To the author, why can't you just believe? Will it hurt? Do you hurt? If there is no God, then you're right, and we won't sense anything when we die. Blankness. If you're wrong, then the fires of hell will consume your very soul, and you will find everlasting pain and chaos, instead of peace and love. May God have mercy on your soul; And if he doesn't, I'll be waiting, salivating every moment of your torture. I hope to see you soon; hell is not heaven, just your home.
Autor: Messiah's Demon Dodano: 17-12-2004
da_monumental_1 You my friend, Messiah's Demon, are sick. If "heaven" is filled with people such as yourself (undercover sadists), I'd rather not go. Anyone who would gain pleasure out of another's suffering is not fit to be apart of humanity. All we ask for is where is the proof. Nothing more, nothing less. Trust me. If conclusive proof was given for the existence of any deity, a benevolent one I might add, non-believers would have no problem in paying homage to him/her/it. We are in search of truth, (with emphasis on lower case "t"), wherever it may lead.
Autor: da_monumental_1 Dodano: 20-12-2004 you really didn;t understand anything when reading the Bible -if you read it- did you??
Autor: Dodano: 26-01-2005 As for the proof, da_monumental, I think you have it in the Bible - as collection of historical documents -, as well as in the fact that NO fossils that would demonstrate evolution were found - for the very simple reason that they do not exist
Autor: Dodano: 26-01-2005
Bartłomiej Fołta - Perfection as a movement! Autor of this 20 questions want total perfection in creations: Human teeth that last for ever ;) , organism designed so perfectly that nothing else could replace it and so on. I think that the key to understand "Designers mystical intelligence" is to read imperfection as a kind of perfection which add dynamicks in never ending process of creation or rather self-creation. Creation is always a dynamic process. When "Designer" creates a totally perfect organism which is static, that means it's truly imperfect because it can't be better. So when you want to create a perfect organism or something, it must be imperfect to be perfected.This is perfection. You must read perfection always as a movement/
Autor: Bartłomiej Fołta Dodano: 03-12-2006
Bartłomiej Fołta - Perfection as a movement! Autor of this 20 questions want total perfection in creations: Human teeth that last for ever ;) , organism designed so perfectly that nothing else could replace it and so on. I think that the key to understand "Designers mystical intelligence" is to read imperfection as a kind of perfection which adds dynamicks in never ending process of creation or rather self-creation. Creation is always a dynamic process. When "Designer" creates a totally perfect organism which is static, that means it's truly imperfect because it can't be better. So when you want to create a perfect organism or something, it must be imperfect to be perfected.This is perfection. You must read perfection always as a movement/
Autor: Bartłomiej Fołta Dodano: 03-12-2006
Eliath - Designer As I look at the Universe we live inn. The marvels of life, it's ingenuity, riches... shear miracle of it. I see that it is truly easy to belive. Even simply to pay homage, to give credit for what we can explore, see, experience... then i look upon myself, human race, our lives, 'achievements' and can only conclude that either no intelligence, no design were involved in our "creation" or that the designer was a being of unimaginable cruelty... ... therefore as I accept that there might (for there is no proof otherwise) be some being that humanity could view as deity, I refuse to acknowledge her/his/it's domain over my free will. P.S. Passing blame on "bad" people or some 'evil twin' is simply childish
Autor: Eliath Dodano: 10-12-2009
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