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"Państwo i kościół uprawiały miłość, jak koty w czasie nocy i na dachach"
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Henryk.K - Czy był badaczem?
Jeszcze w ubiegłym roku uważałem Mikołaja Kopernika za wielkiego uczonego. Obecnie zaliczam go jednak do wielkich manipulatorów ludzkością. Wiadomo, iż on niczego nie udowodnił, lecz jedynie zaproponował. Pierwszy naukowy dowód na jego tezy pojawił się dopiero w 1851 roku, czyli wahadło Foucaulta. Na podstawie jego nie sprawdzonych hipotez przeprowadzono kilka epokowych obserwacji, które cofnęły naukę do stanu przedlogicznego.
Autor: Henryk.K  Dodano: 25-03-2019
Roman Pytel - W walce z heliocentryzmem
"Stars from their Courses fought against Sisera"
Scientific or natural laws are concerned with regularities. Hey cannot explain happenings that are unique and unprecedented; they cannot account for creativity, which is in its very essence unpredictable.
A mantra of the heliocentric astronomy proclaims: "Halley working in Newton's program, calculated on the basis of observing a brief stretch of a comet's path that it would return in 72-years' time; he calculated to the minute when it would be seen again at a well-defined point of the sky. 72 years later, Halley's comet returned exactly as Halley predicted." Did it really? Halley predicted the return of his comet in 1758, but, according to Chinese and European records, the comet returned in March of 1759. Then the Halley's comet returned in 1910, or 3.5 years earlier than predicted. Indeed, every return of this comet brought significant changes with it, for instance, in 1986, declining from all previous orbits, this comet appeared in the Southern Hemisphere. The confusion of the Soviet scientists is mirrored in an article published in the journal Astronomiya i Astrofizika (1989) whose authors argued that "the motions of Halley's co
Autor: Roman Pytel Dodano: 21-06-2007

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