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The USA-DEA Cabal: An Enemy of Reason [4]
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Kawamato's argument is, of course, likely to be ridiculed by the corporate media's pundits, who have a vested interest in supporting the status quo. But in the long run, only fools and ignoramuses will not take advantage of the many benefits that marijuana and hemp can offer. Right now, the only industrially advanced country to ban both marijuana and hemp is the United States, which is incontrovertible evidence how dangerously destructive and ecocidal our government has become.

To a Vietnam veteran, an AIDS or cancer patient, or a non-violent recreational user of marijuana-an innocent citizen-the worst enemy may not be Allah-worshipping suicide terrorists but the home-grown 100-percent Christian, god-loving Americans running the government prostituted by money interests. It could be an unforgiving, cruel, and immoral enemy. It is an enemy even a dying war veteran or cancer patient should fear. It is an enemy of compassion and reason, even common sense. It is an enemy they should not love.

And neither should you.

1. Jack Herer, The Emperor Wears No Clothes: Cannabis and the Conspiracy Against Marijuana (11th ed.). Austin, Texas: AH HA Publishing, 2000  
2. David R. Ford, Marijuana: Not Guilty As Charged. Sonoma, California: Good Press, 1997  
3. Mike Gray, Drug Crazy. New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 2000  
4. Stephen H. Kawamoto, „The Great Marijuana Conspiracy."  
5. Dr. Lester Grinspoon, interview by Jana Ray, 1996 (from Nexus Magazine)  
6. NORML News Bulletins  
7. Rowan Robinson, The Great Book of Hemp: The Complete Guide to the Environmental, Commercial, and Medicinal Uses of the World's Most Extraordinary Plant. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1996
8. ---, The Hemp Manifesto. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, 1997  
9. Schaffer Library of Drug Policy, „History of Marihuana Legislation."  
10. U.S. Drug Abuse Regulation and Control Act of 1970  
11. David P. West, Ph. D., Hemp and Marijuana: Myths and Realities. Madison, Wisconsin: North American Industrial Hemp Council  

Originally published in YellowTimes.org (2002) and The American Rationalist ©

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Kaz Dziamka
Główny redaktor sekcji angielskiej Racjonalisty. Redaktor naczelny magazynu The American Rationalist. Doktor amerykanistyki (Uniwersytet Nowy Meksyk). Autor książki "Moja Słowiańska Wolność". Nota biograficzna

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