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« Copyright  
Permissions Letter: AAAS #1

Ref # 04-0541w

DATE: Thursday, April 01, 2004

TO: Marcin Klapczynski
University of Illinois at Chicago
835 S. Wolcott Ave.
Chicago, IL 60612

FROM: Elizabeth Sandler, Rights and Permissions
RE: Your request for permission dated 03/22/04

Regarding your request, we are pleased to grant you non-exclusive, non-transferable permission, but limited to World Wide Web format only, and provided that you meet the criteria below. Such permission is for one-time use and therefore does not include permission for print products, ancillaries, customized forms, any other electronic forms, translations, or promotional pieces. Permission is granted for your requested use only. Any additional uses other than the single use specified in your request including appearances on other websites or in other unspecified contexts on the same website are strictly prohibited. We must be contacted for permission each time such use is planned. This permission does not apply to figures / artwork that are credited to non-AAAS sources. This permission does not include the right to modify AAAS material.

This or similar language must appear somewhere on the website: „Readers may view, browse, and/or download material for temporary copying purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as provided by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the publisher."

Print the required copyright credit line on the first page that the material appears: „Reprinted (abstracted/excerpted) with permission from [FULL REFERENCE CITATION]. Copyright [YEAR] AAAS." Insert the appropriate information in place of the capitalized words.

Permission is limited to the single title specified or single edition of the publication.

AAAS must publish the full paper prior to use of any text.

AAAS does not supply photos or artwork. Use of the AAAS material must not imply any endorsement by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. This permission is not valid for the use of the AAAS and/or SCIENCE logos.

Permission is valid for use of the following AAAS material only:
Fig. 2 from MM Hanczyc et al., SCIENCE 302:618-22 (2003)

In the following work only:
A work by M Klapczynski in Polish language „Pierwsze Blony Komorkowe" (First Cellular Membranes) on Polish Rationalist website at www.racjonalista.pl/kk.php/s,3272, published by The Rationalist

Thank you for writing. If you have any question please call me at (202) 326-6765 or write to me via fax at (202) 682-0816. For international calls, +1 is the country code for United States.

Headquarters: 1200 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 USA

 Po przeczytaniu tego tekstu, czytelnicy często wybierają też:
Permissions Letter: AAAS #2
Permissions Letter: Elsevier #1

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« Copyright   (Publikacja: 07-04-2004 Ostatnia zmiana: 12-06-2004)

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